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Editor 3 21282
It has arrived – the season that draws out gift-giving and frustration. The Holidays are upon us and just like every year, you scramble to find the perfect gifts for family, friends, and most especially that special man. It is a fight all women fac..
Editor 1 16674
Did you know that it’s possible to enjoy porn and save money at the very same time? Yes, it’s true. You really can. Anyone who’s ever been to an adult bookstore knows exactly how expensive magazines can be. It’s easy to walk out of the place with onl..
Editor 0 15604
You would think with the buzz over 50 Shades of Gray that BDSM and kink are new things. They are not. Couples have been enjoying getting a little kinky in the bedroom long before E.L. James or A.N. Roquelaure (Ann Rice’s erotic pseudonym for those un..
Editor 0 12210
There can be little doubt that the book 50 Shades Of Grey has pushed women's sexual liberation on a notch or two. The modern woman is becoming much more forward when it comes to taking pleasure from sex and sensuality and the massive success of Mr ..
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